Korimako / Bellbird

Anthornis melanura melanura.

Endemic; Not Threatened status.

This is a female; more brown than green like the males, with a thin dab of white running back from the beak under each eye…

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Western Weka

Gallirallus australis australis

Endemic. Extreme Fluctuations. Increasing.

Making like a dinosaur…

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Anas platyrhynchos


The male birds in NZ are often quite a bit more drab than the northern hemisphere examples, due to genetics from hybridisation with NZ Grey ducks.

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Western Weka – juvenile

Gallirallus australis australis

Endemic. Extreme Fluctuations. Increasing.

This chick was exploring, but never far from a parent and the shelter of the scrub alongside the road

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Tarāpuka / Black-billed Gull

Larus bulleri

Endemic. Nationally Critical. Data Poor. Recruitment Failure. Expected decline >70%.

I passed this and another photo to researcher Mike Bell, and he tells me: This bird will be E-226906… It was banded as a chick on 14/12/2014 on the Wairau River, it regularly over-winters at Lake Rotiti, but has also over-wintered at Kaikoura. We recorded breeding for the first time in Nov 2016 as a two year old (usual for this species). It has spent the last two winters at the Lake [Rotoiti].

Tarāpuka / Black-billed Gull

Larus bulleri

Endemic. Nationally Critical. Data Poor. Recruitment Failure. Expected decline >70%.

This bird has just scooped up a drink of water and is tipping its head back to swallow it… spot the drop of water falling…

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Matuku Moana / White-faced Heron

Egretta novaehollandiae novaehollandiae

Native. Not Threatened. Stable Overseas.

Crabbing on the estuary

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Tarāpuka / Black-billed Gull

Larus bulleri

Endemic. Nationally Critical. Data Poor. Recruitment Failure. Expected decline >70%.

The future for these noble gulls is bleak, as the population is ageing and failing to be replaced by younger birds for a multitude of bad reasons, fundamentally because people don’t care enough.

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Karoro / Black-backed Gull

Laris dominicanus dominicanus

Native. Not Threatened. Not protected.

Even a bird that can be a bit of a nuisance can look gloriously majestic in flight…

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Common Starling

Sturnus vulgaris vulgaris


This bird is holding a stone up with it’s beak to look underneath for anything yummy…

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