Tarāpunga / Red-billed gull

Larus novaehollandiae ssp. scopulinus

Native. At Risk. Expected decline 10%-70%

Yes, you read that right. Expected decline of 10-70%, and while there are ideas as to what may be impacting the populations of tarāpunga, there is nothing conclusive, though all the indications are that it is fundamentally our fault, once again.

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Karoro / Black-backed Gull

Laris dominicanus dominicanus

Native. Not Threatened. Not protected.

Human activity is responsible for unnaturally high numbers of karoro

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Kāruhiruhi / Pied Shag

Phalacrocorax varius varius

Native. Recovering. Expected increase >10%.

Shags lay clutches of eggs right throughout the year rather than just at spring or summer

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Tōrea Pango / Variable Oystercatcher

Haematopus unicolor

Endemic. Recovering.

Hanging out at #mapua

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Pīwakawaka / Fantail

Rhipidura fuliginosa fuliginosa

Endemic. Not Threatened. Extreme Fluctuations in population.

I think this is a youngster, looking at the plumage…

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Western Weka

Gallirallus australis australis

Endemic. Extreme Fluctuations. Increasing.

Piercing red eye…

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Toutouwai / SI Robin

Petroica australis australis

Endemic. At Risk, Declining, Conservation Dependent, with expected decline of 10-50%.

Many supposedly monogamous bird species are often found to have chicks with different paternity in the nest; this is rare for SI robins, who typically exhibit genetic monogamy

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Korimako / Bellbird

Anthornis melanura melanura.

Endemic; Not Threatened status.

Despite the broad variety of songs and regional diversity of repertoire, the bellbird has one of the most distinctive and beloved voices of all the nz birds

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Korimako / Bellbird

Anthornis melanura melanura.

Endemic; Not Threatened status.

Yesterday’s bird in another pose…

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Korimako / Bellbird

Anthornis melanura melanura.

Endemic; Not Threatened status.

Another female, hunting for bugs on the tops on the track between Mt Arthur and Flora huts…

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