Western Weka

Gallirallus australis australis

Endemic. Extreme Fluctuations. Increasing.

Nobody loves me, everybody hates me, I’m going down the garden to eat woooooorms…

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Kārihiruhi / Pied Shag

Phalacrocorax varius varius

Native. Recovering. Expected increase >10%.

The yellow and blue dabs of colour indicate this is a breeding adult

#nz #nztravel #travel #mustdonz #nzmustdo #native #nznative #nzbirds #nzwild #wildlife #birds #nature #thisisnz #purenz #purenewzealand #D500 #200500mmf56

Kuaka / Bar-tailed Godwit

Limosa lapponica baueri

Native. At Risk. Threatened Overseas.

The godwit does not breed in NZ but shows up each September to gorge itself on our shellfish before disappearing for half the year, a bit like an American billionaire with a holiday home in Queenstown.

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Matuku Moana / White-faced Heron

Egretta novaehollandiae novaehollandiae

Native. Not Threatened. Stable Overseas.

Don’t forget your gumboots! oh never mind…

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Kōtare / Sacred Kingfisher

Todiramphus sanctus vagans

Iridescent feathers on steel-cored aluminium wire. The hunched form seems oddly malevolent, whilst being familiar and striking. The coal-black eyes seem to follow you in a manner reminiscent of the Mona Lisa, a gaze penetratingly deep that warns you that you aren’t kidding anyone, your number is up.

#nz #native #nznative #nzbirds #nzwild #wildlife #birds #nature #thisisnz #purenz #purenewzealand #D500 #200500mmf56

Gallus gallus domesticus / Domestic Chicken


The domestic chicken has descended through domestication and cultivation from the red junglefowl. This rooster, seen running free near an orchard in Motueka, shows a number of characteristics from this heritage…

#nz #bird #nzbirds #D500 #200500mmf56 #chook #rooster #chicken

Pūkeko / Porphyrio melanotus melanotus

Not Threatened, Increasing, Stable Overseas

In a social group of pūkeko, eggs are laid in a single nest and all the birds in the group share in raising the chicks.

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Horse – Equus ferus caballus

Not wild, but pretending to be… this mare was quite easily spooked and energetically racing about her paddock down Staples St, Motueka.

#nz #d500 #200500mmf56 #horse #scaredofonlytwothings1thingsthatmove2thingsthatdont #ride #pony