Song Thrush

Turdus philomelos


This bird is probably nursing a monster of a headache after flying inside and knocking itself senseless trying to exit by means of a closed window. We released it back outside and were a bit concerned initially, but after watching it for a while it seemed to improve markedly. #nz #birds #nzbirds #wildlife #nzwild #d500 #200500mmf56

Pārera / Grey Duck (hybrid)

Anas superciliosa

The bold eye stripe is a indication of grey duck heritage, but the iridescent speculum on the wing is blue (bit hard to see in this shot), which is mallard heritage – Grey ducks have green speculum.

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Pāpango / NZ Scaup

Aythya novaeseelandiae

Endemic. Not Threatened. Increasing.

Pāpango is a stative verb meaning to be dark in colour, somewhat black in appearance. This seems to have gifted the duck it’s name through anthimeria.

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Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae novaeseelandiae

Notice the sky shining through a gap in the third feather to the end… this notch on what is called the 8th primary feather can be used by the bird to make a whirring sound in flight. The 4th to 7th primaries have a bulge instead of a notch (which can also be seen). Males have larger wing slots, and the noise making is typically produced when the bird is displaying aggression.

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Tōrea Pango / Variable Oystercatcher

Haematopus unicolor

Endemic. Recovering.

The tōrea is tridactyl, which means it is missing the hallux or rearward pointing toe

#nz #endemic #native #nznative #nzbirds #nzwild #wildlife #birds #nature #thisisnz #purenz #purenewzealand #D500 #200500mmf56

Song Thrush

Turdus philomelos


The indistinct speckles on the breast indicate that this is a juvenile; adults have more pronounced speckles. #nz #birds #nzbirds #wildlife #nzwild #d500 #200500mmf56

Matuku Moana / White-faced Heron

Egretta novaehollandiae novaehollandiae

Native. Not Threatened. Stable Overseas.

Sunset seems like it is always a good time for fishing

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Pīwakawaka / Fantail

Rhipidura fuliginosa fuliginosa

Endemic. Not Threatened. Extreme Fluctuations in population.

It’s hard to be humble when you are this cute.

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Toutouwai / SI Robin

Petroica australis australis

Endemic. At Risk, Declining, Conservation Dependent, with expected decline of 10-50%.

Loving @tawhaimoss’s IG pics complete with ‘alternative facts’ about robins 🤣

#tramp #hike #nz #endemic #native #nznative #nzbirds #nzwild #wildlife #birds #nature #thisisnz #purenz #purenewzealand #D500 #200500mmf56

Tōrea Pango / Variable Oystercatcher

Haematopus unicolor

Endemic. Recovering.

One thing Tōrea have taught me: how many words there are for ‘black’ in te reo. Pango is black, but usually mangu is taught in schools as meaning black. Looked up and I found out that tiwha also means black, and kororiko. And mangumangu and māmangu which obviously are related to mangu. Tuauriuri means very black. Whakaaniwaniwa means to turn black. I presume there is some subtlety that is being lost in the dictionary.

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